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Diet for arthritis and chronic joint pain

At Healthnix, we provide personalised diets and lifestyle support for osteoarthritis to help you feel less tired, stronger and reduce arthritis flare ups.


We connect you with dietitians and health coaches so you get biomarker and data-driven, highly personalised support you deserve.

screenshot of healthnix app showing grocery list section which suggests anti-inflammatory foods to buy
screenshot of homescreen of healthnix app

100% personalised 8-week plan by a dedicated registered dietitian, tailored to you and your condition

Accessible on any device, educational materials to use in your own time

All plans are tailored to your preferences and budget - help that works around your life

If you...


Always feel tired and lack energy...


Struggle to sleep due to pain...


Struggle with explaining at work or to friends that even if you look fine, you are in fact exhausted...


Feel hopeless when flare ups come...

but still don't want to give up...

... then using nutrition to self-manage and improve your symptoms is for you!

Sleeping uninterupted

Having more energy

Losing weight and feeling stronger

Reducing flare ups


This may all be possible with the support of a qualified dietician with experience of helping arthritis patients. 

Nutrition is the main fuel for your body, so lets make sure you're getting it right!

Spring Offer
FREE 8 weeks programme 

Get ready for the Summer with our 8 week, bespoke nutrition programme - now completely for free. 


We are giving away a limited number of spots on our programme worth £350 to help you regain energy, improve sleep and fuel your body ahead of the warmer months.


Personalised diets for osteoarthritis are much more effective & safer than generic "healthy" diets

Precision nutrition is a developing new field of research into how "food as medicine" may help manage chronic disease

picture of a lady with osteoarthritis preparing an anti-inflammatory meal

Surprising "healthy" foods which may be causing inflammation: don't get fooled, grab our free e-book to spot them in your kitchen

How do we work?


Data driven

All plans are created based on your blood test results, medical history and lifestyle questionnaires. 


Dedicated Dietitian

Each programme is prepared by a registered dietitian we connect you with and includes 1:1 calls. All dietitians are experts in clinical nutrition with prior NHS experience and will curate an informed and accessible diet for osteoarthritis.


Only changes that matter

Each plan tells you which foods to prioritise, eliminate or eat in moderation. You will be asked to make changes that matter, not completely change your lifestyle.



Lifestyle change is hard if you do it alone. We will soon be launching a community for those living with arthritis so you can get the support you need.

 Spring Offer

(worth: £350)


*with £69 refundable upon completion deposit

Food list & lifestyle advice 100% personalised to you

4 x 1:1 dietitian video calls (or chat-box function if prefer)

Blood test (UK only)

Health coaching to help implement changes and navigate difficult conversations with friends or family

Library of resources on nutrition, joint health and mindset

Symptom, food and medication tracking

Lifetime access to Healthnix app, including community

Delicious recipe ideas

"Using nutrition and lifestyle changes transformed my life with chronic hip pain. I went from feeling depressed, unattractive and scared of going out to meet people to hiking and being active again. It’s amazing"

"I thought that diet was only useful with arthritis if you were overweight. I was wrong. It’s so much more than that and I am glad I discovered it"

Does this sound like you?

Living with a chronic condition can be overwhelming, confusing and scary. You are not alone.

Everyone has a theory for what you should do and online health influencers are so confusing

You are worried about the cost of living and how expensive healthy food is

You are tired of explaining to others that even if you look fine, you are, in fact, not fine

You don't accept that "this is just it" but you don't know what to do to feel better

Your doctors keep changing diagnosis or refusing to help

You’re not sure what “healthy eating” even means​

You are constantly tired and daily chores are a lot

You know losing weight might help but diets have never worked for you

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We understand, we have been there!

At Healthnix, you are not alone. We have set up a community group for individuals looking to navigate life with arthritis or chronic pain through diet, natural solutions, and bio-hacking techniques.


Citrus Fruits

Our Blog

Keep up to date with the most recent research in Osteoarthritis by reading the insights in our blog. Here we will give you tips on the best diet for osteoarthritis and other conditions causing chronic joint pain, and other tips and tricks to managing your symptoms!

Book a discovery call now!

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